
emailtorss_thumbEmailToRss is a back-end Python script that takes in emails from a designated account and turns them into posts of an RSS feed, with the subject line as the RSS title and the message body as the article body. A Unix shell script runs in response to each incoming email and pipes the information to the script, and the script organizes the messages into the appropriate feeds based on the From address. I wrote this to follow organizations who still communicate primarily through email newsletter, as I found these newsletters were cluttering my inbox. I can further filter the articles with my FeedControl script, as needed.

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lifehackervip_thumbI’m a fan of the website LifeHacker, but I wasn’t satisfied with their options for subscribing to their news feeds. They provide either tag-specific feeds, which only gives a short synopsis of each article, or a VIP feed, which gives you all feeds but with the full text of each article. I wanted to combine the two strengths, so I wrote a back-end Python script that scans each tag-specific feed, looks for the corresponding article in the VIP feed, and substitutes the latter for the former. This gives me full-text tag-specific feeds from LifeHacker that I can then filter further with my FeedControl script, as needed.

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